Nick, Julia, Spuff and Jozy. The Famous 4 and the 'Mitzi' Rescue 2016

Created by Jozy 3 years ago

The unforgettable  Day Out ,  was when, a few years ago, to show off, I took Nick and Julia, along with my partner Spuff in a spin in my ancient off-road MItsubishi 4X4 across the " paddock"  behind our, recently acquired, retirement  bungalow in West Wales.  Unbeknownst, thanks to a lack of exploration, it was, and still is, a sloping, sesonal, moorland bog masquerading as a paddock and very soon we were bogged down to the axles.
Nick rose to the challenge, as I looked glumly at the risen mud. We'd sunk about fifteen inches down; at an angle, through boggy peat, from the surface, to a layer of post-glacial clay and boulders. ( A geography teacher might have identified it as the remnants of a moraine. ) Nick led the trek back through the mire after laying down planks for Spuff's rolllator! I'm sure Nick  and Julia's African experiences helped them organise the rescue safari for us, back to civilisation, and a cup of tea, through the sedges and cotton grass!  His warning was; "Never trust a West Wales paddock, that appeared solid ground in September, to be the same in February!  We'll look for a farmer with tractor and winch later. We can tell the farmer, as in " Withnail and I", we retired to Wales by accident and could he help us rescue our Jeep?"

from Jozy.
